The Waiting Game: A Former London Escort’s Approach to Premarital Sex

It’s a question that plagues many couples in the modern age: should we engage in premarital sex or wait until after the wedding? For me, a woman with a past as a London escort at Charlotte Loughton Escorts, the answer is clear – we wait.

My fiancé, bless his heart, is eager to consummate our relationship. He’s been dropping hints, making suggestive comments, and generally trying to wear down my resolve. But I’m holding firm. I’ve promised him that once we’re married, all bets are off. He’ll have all the sex he desires, and then some. I might even surprise him with a few tricks I picked up during my time in the London escorts scene.

I haven’t told him about my past. It’s not something I’m ashamed of, but it’s also not something I feel the need to share. I’m not the same person I was back then. I’ve grown, evolved, and learned a lot about myself and what I want out of life. Working as a London escort taught me a lot about men, about relationships, and about sex. It also taught me the importance of self-respect and setting boundaries.

I know some people might think I’m being old-fashioned or prudish, but I don’t care. This is my choice, and I’m sticking to it. I believe that waiting until marriage will make the experience even more special. It’s a way of honoring our commitment to each other and building anticipation for what’s to come. Plus, I think it’ll drive my fiancé wild with desire.

I can already see the look on his face when I finally give in. He’ll be shocked, amazed, and maybe even a little bit scared. The girl who’s been denying him sex for months will suddenly transform into a passionate lover, eager to please and explore. I’ll unleash all the pent-up desire I’ve been holding back, and we’ll create a night neither of us will ever forget.

I’ve already started planning our wedding night. I’ve bought some sexy lingerie, a few toys, and even a pair of handcuffs. I want to make sure it’s an experience he’ll never forget. I want him to see that I’m not just a good girl who waited for marriage, but also a woman who knows how to have fun in the bedroom.

I know some people might judge me for my past as a London escort, but I don’t let it bother me. I’m proud of the woman I’ve become, and I’m excited about the future my fiancé and I are building together. Our wedding night will be the start of a new chapter in our lives, a chapter filled with love, passion, and adventure.

So for now, I’ll continue to tease and tempt my fiancé, keeping him on the edge of his seat. I’ll let him know that the wait will be worth it. And when the time finally comes, I’ll show him just how much I love him, both in and out of the bedroom. I’ll be the best wife he could ever ask for, and I’ll make sure he never regrets marrying the former London escort who stole his heart.

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